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Welcome to AstroLou.Com
![]() ![]() ![]() Knowledge is power. The way we get it is information. The time is now. My point ? With
the knowledge you will gain in these reports you will have the information you need
Complete Astrology Book About You
This Astrology Report is one of the finest astrological horoscope reports ever made. The report's no-nonsense descriptions of the basic planetary configurations present in your life, and how they affect you. This astrological report has been appreciated by thousands. The 30-40 page report contains 10 chapters, including a 15 page introduction to astrological terms and concepts. Many reading a Astro*Talk report for the first time appreciate having this handy tutor at hand to review astrology basics. Also included are your personal "Burn Rate" - a gauge of your personal change and growth rate, "Soul Type" - unique astrological combinations that often define the general personality type you belong to. For the novice, astrological student, or advanced astrologer, this report is a "must have".
Your rising sign----all the planets and their position and in which house
Planet Aspects--- the lights, the sun and moon and what they mean to you
The sun- your self and future
The moon--the support system
The inner planets---Mercury and Venus
Mercury- the mind and communication
Venus--Values and Discrimination
The external planets---
Mars,--drive and emotions
Jupiter--Career and Life path--
The outer planets ----
Uranus--Break-throughs and Insights---
Neptune--Ideals and imagination--
Pluto---Inner change and growth
Challenges and abilities---focus, challenges, talents and abilities
Major life periods
Your personal background
Your current situation
The elements, modalities and angularities---
Your burn rate----planets in high focus
Patterns---Your inner and outer self---your soul type
The key to your inner life
The key to your personality
The personal hot spot
Interface: Innermost qualities
Major transits happening now
House activity and emphasis--
all 12 houses and their meaning for you personally
1st house---appearance, approach
2nd house---possessions, reactions
3rd house---inquiries, communications
4th house---home, family, security
5th house---expression, creativity
6th house---responsibility, work, health
7th house---relationships, other people
8th house---business savy, elimination
9th house---religions, philosophy, ideas
10th house---practical vision, vocation
11th house: dreams and visions, community
12th house---sacrifice, psychology, acceptance
This report sells for $29.95. Still not sure Click Here For Sample Report or Order Here Now!
Want More Check Out The Astrology Package
I have put together a great Package for you. You will have everything you need to get on the path to self discovery. Your package will consist of four personal, professional, astrological reports. I will also include a free personalized Chart Wheel suitable for framing free with every order. Go ahead keep reading and take a look at what else you will be receiving. Your reports will be in this order from top to bottom. I've included a brief description under each report heading.
Major Life Themes
This report gives a brief interpretation of your birth chart. The major themes in your life are described. The themes are presented approximately in the order in which they are a priority in your life. This report is one page in length. Click Here For Major Life Theme Simple
Cosmo Natal
This report is about is about 3-5 pages in length. It interprets the planets in zodiac signs and in aspect to each other. The planets in houses are not interpreted. Although short the report is very well written.
Cosmo Compatibility
This eight-page report describes some of the major issues and themes of the relationship. The relationship can be platonic or romantic. I will need there birth information for this report. I've made it easy for you to provide the information. Just add their information to the note section if you want this report included (this is at no extra cost to you, it is included in your package:)
Cosmo Forecast
The cosmo forecast interprets astrological influences in the future. The Cosmo Forecast interprets only short-term influences, those that last just a few days. Although the interpretations are brief, the report is quite easy to read and informative. Click Here For Cosmo Forecast Sample
Remember you will get a full years Forecast. No more looking in the newspaper for general information that don't even apply to you half the time. This forecast is personalized just for you. Don't you want to know what your day, month, year is really going to be like? Find out now just order below!
This package sells for $29.95 You can Order Here Now!
Click Picture Below To Order Now!
Important Information about your birth time
Your birth time is important if you want the most accurate reports possible. I have collected some information on Finding Your Birth Time It is well worth the time and trouble to try to find out your precise time of birth. If you would like to Learn More About Astrology Click Here
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