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![]() Getting Your Birth Time
It is well worth the effort to acquire your accurate birth time
![]() Your birth time is critical in the calculation of a correct birth chart. With the birth time the astrology program I use is able to locate the planets in relationship to their position around the earth. Every 4 minutes a new degree rises on the horizon and alters the chart accordingly.
When sending for your birth certificate ask for the detailed original certificate with your birth time on it, not the passport type that is a notarized card with only your name and date of birth.
U.S. residents can find this information on their original birth certificates.
State Sources & Fees for Birth Certificates
If you find any errors in here, please notify me so that I can make the necessary corrections.
To request a birth certificate you should write directly or call the custodian to obtain a copy of the record. You should provide as much information as you possibly can. This includes:
The full name of the person born
The date of the birth
The place of the birth
The sex of the child
Parents' full names, including mother's maiden name
Include payment as indicated
Born Abroad
U.S. Citizens Born Abroad (with U.S. Citizenship at birth)
Birth Records Only
Correspondence Br.
Passport Services
Department of State
Room 386
1425 K Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20522-1705
A record is available only if the birth was registered with the American Consular Office at birth. Show the location of this consular office in the request. An endorsed copy of the Consular Report or a birth certificate is furnished; either document is sufficient.
Cost of Copy:
Department of Public Health
Center for Health Statistics
P.O. Box 5265
Montgomery, AL 36103-5625
The fee is $12.00 each and $4.00 for each additional copy. Make check payable to Alabama State Board of Health. Send requests for expedited search by overnight express mail service and add $10.00 to fee.
Bureau of Vital Statistics
State Dept. of Health & Social
Services P.O. Box 110675
Juneau, AK 99811-0675
Births of Alaskan natives were apparently not recorded until 1930 or later, except in the towns and cities listed below, where some records are available beginning with the date shown. The BVS will accept bank cards for all record requests made by telephone to 907-465-3392. There is a $10.00 charge for this service. No other telephone requests will be honored.
1916 Anchorage
1920 Cordova
1913 Fairbanks
1913 Haines
1950 Homer
1913 Juneau
1913 Kenai
1913 Ketchikan
1913 Kodiak
1913 Nome
1937 Palmer
1913 Petersburg
1913 Seward
1913 Sitka
1913 Skagway
1913 Soldotna
1913 Valdez
1913 Wrangell
American Samoa
Registrar of Vital Statistics
Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
Phone: 684-633-1222
Birth records from 1930 on are on computer. Prior to 1930 some records may not be recorded due to the manner in which birth information was recorded.
Cost of Copy:
Vital Records
Dept. of Health Services
P.O. Box 3887
Phoenix. AZ 85030
You will need a picture identification with signature (or a photocopy of same) to acquire a birth record. If the picture ID has no signature, then a notarized signature must be presented also. State your relationship to the requestor (e.g., self, spouse, parent) as well as the need for the birth record. If a personal check is used for payment, no birth record will be released until the check clears.
Thirty days after the request has been received, you may call 602-255-3260 if the check has cleared to receive the birth certificate sooner. Be prepared to provide the four digit verification number and date stamp on the back of the cancelled check.
Cost of Copy:
(Long) $9.00, (Short, 1950 to present only) $6.00
Arkansas Dept. of Health
Division of Vital Records
4815 West Markham Street, Slot 44
Little Rock, AR 72205-3867
Request birth records directly from DVR. DVR will accept VISA and Mastercard requests for records made by telephone to 501-661-2726.
Cost of Copy:
Dept. of Health Services
Vital Statistics Section
P.O. Box 730241
Sacramento, CA 94244-0241
The DHS will accept bank cards for birth record requests made by telephone to 916-445-2684. There is a $5.00 fee for this service. Fax requests paid for by bank cards can be made to 1-800-858-5553. The fax should include the name, date of event, place of event, father's name, mother's maiden name, customer's name, daytime phone, return address, credit card number and expiration date. There is a $15.50 fee. BVS will express mail the response to requests received by phone or fax.
Records and Statistics Section
Dept. of Health, Vital Records
4300 Cheery Creek Dr. S.
No. A-1
Denver, CO 80222-1530
Colorado has birth records for the entire State since 1910. Legislation passed in 1943 provides for the filing of delayed Birth Certificates for persons who were born prior to the legislation date, or whose births were not recorded at the time of birth. Mail requests take at least 3 weeks to process.
Telephone requests for birth records, using a bank card, can be made by calling 303-692-2224. The charge is $16.50 and the record will be mailed within 5 work days.
Requests for status of a record search can be made by calling 303-756-4464.
Fax requests for birth records using a bank card can be made by calling 1-800-423-1108. The charge is $16.50 and the record will be mailed within 5 work days. Make all requests directly to the Bureau of Vital Statistics.
Dept. of Health Services
ATTN: Vital Records
150 Washington St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Birth records are indexed for 1948 to present. Records for 1896-1947 are available but not indexed.
Cost of Copy:
Bureau of Vital Statistics
State Board of Health
P.O. Box 637
Dover, DE 19903-0637
The BVS will accept bank cards for all record requests made by telephone at 302-739-4721.
Cost of Copy:
District of Columbia
Vital Records Branch
9th Floor
613 G. Street, N.W.
Washington, DC. 20001
Include the following information:
what record is needed
child's full name
child's sex and date of birth
certificate number (if known)
mother's full maiden and married names
father's full name
child's place of birth (include the name of hospital)
money order number
Cost of Copy:
$12.00 (short form), $18.00 (long form)
Office of Vital Statistics
Box 210
Jacksonville, FL 32231
Cost of Copy:
$9.00 (additional copies are $4.00)
Vital Records Service
State Department of Public Health
Rm 217 H
47 Trinity Avenue, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30334
Cost of Copy:
A certified copy of a birth record is $10.00. Each additional copy released at the same time is $5.00 (all wallet size copies will be $10.00 no matter when ordered).
Office of Vital Statistics
Dept. of Public Health and Welfare
Government of Guam
Box 2816
Agana, GU 96910
Cost of Copy:
Vital Records Section
State Dept. of Health
Box 3378
Honolulu, HI 96801
Cost of Copy:
Bureau of Vital Statistics
State Dept. of Health
450 W. State Street
Boise, ID 83702
Idaho requires a release signed by the applicant or his/her representative for a certified copy.
Cost of Copy:
$8.00 for certified copy, $6.00 for verification
State of Illinois
Department of Public Health
Division of Vital Records
605 W. Jefferson
Springfield, IL 62702-5097
Requests for birth records can be made via telephone to 217-782-6553 using a bank card.
Cost of Copy:
Birth records $10.00 for computer-generated record, $15.00 for file copy (includes parents names and other identifying information). Each additional copy ordered with the original request is $2.00.
State Board of Health
1330 West Michigan St.
Room 111
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1964
Cost of Copy:
Iowa Dept. of Public Health
Vital Records Bureau
Lucas State Office Bldg.
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0075
Birth certificates may be requested by phone at 515-281-4944, using Visa, Discover, or MasterCard. There is a $5.00 surcharge for the service (in addition to the $10.00 fee for the certificate). The record is normally mailed in three work days. If fedex service is requested, add $11.00 (for a total of $26.00).
Office of Vital Statistics
900 Southwest Jackson
Topeka, KS 66612-1290
Birth records are available from July 1911 on. Applicant-signed request must accompany payment. Expect a response in 7-10 days; one-day service on charge card requests and for certified mail requests when stamp plus $1.00 enclosed.
Cost of Copy:
Office of Vital Statistics
State Dept. of Health
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40602
Cost of Copy:
Louisiana Division of Vital Records
Bureau of Vital Statistics
Box 60630
New Orleans, LA 70160
Signed consent forms are needed for release of birth certificates. Requests can be faxed to 504-568-5391 if using a charge card.
Cost of Copy:
Office of Data, Research and Vital Statistics
32 Winthrop St. State House, Station 11
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Requests for records, using a bank card, can be made via telephone to 207-289-3184. Additional certified copies of the same record requested at the same time are $4.00. A certified copy of a delayed birth certificate (BC), new BC as a result of an adoption or legitimization of registrant or amended BC for processing court ordered legal name changes are $20.00 each. Make all personal checks or money orders payable to "Treasurer of State."
Cost of Copy:
Department of Vital Records
Metro Executive Building
4201 Patterson Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
Cost of Copy:
Dept. of Public Health
Registry of Vital Statistics
150 Tremont Street, Rm B3
Boston, MA 02111
The State BVS accepts charge card requests for birth records only. Call 617-727-0036. There is a $19.00 fee.
Cost of Copy:
$6.00 if request is made in person, $11.00 if request is made by mail and $14.00 if expedited two-day service is requested.
Vital Statistics Section
Dept. of Public Health
P.O. Box 30195
Lansing, MI 48909
Additional copies of the same birth record requested at the same time are $4.00 each. Except for Detroit, a recent birth record can more quickly be obtained from the appropriate city or county clerk. However, records for adopted children before 1980 or illegitimate children before 1979 are available only from the Vital Statistics Section.
Telephone requests can be made, using a bank card for payment, for any record by calling 517-335-8666.
Cost of Copy:
Minnesota Dept. of Health
Section of Vital Records
P.O. Box 9441
Minneapolis, MN 55440
Requests for birth certificates for illegitimate children must be accompanied by a consent statement signed by the subject individual (if 18 or over) or by the parent or guardian.
Cost of Copy:
Division of Public Health Services
State Dept. of Health
Box 1700
Jackson, MS 39215-1700
The cost of a full copy is $7.00 if the birth occurred less than 1 year before the request. Abstract copies of birth records are $7.00 for all years.
Cost of Copy:
$12.00 (long form), $7.00 (short form)
Bureau of Vital Records
Dept. of Health
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Cost of Copy:
Dept. of Health and Environmental Sciences
Vital Records and Statistics Bureau
1400 Broadway
Helena, MT 59620
REMARKS: Telephone requests for birth records, using a bank card, are accepted by calling 406-444-4228. There is an additional charge of $5.00 for this service. The State also charges a $10.00 per hour (or fraction thereof) fee to search the index of adoption processing records or the delayed birth certificate (DBC) filing records. If the State locates the adoption or DBC, a certified copy of the adoption of DBC record will be provided at no additional cost.
Cost of Copy:
Bureau of Vital Statistics
State Dept. of Health
P.O. Box 95007
Lincoln, NE 68509-5007
Request processed within 7 days.
Cost of Copy:
Dept. of Health & Welfare
Division of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
Kinkead Building, 1st Floor
505 E. King Street
Carson City, NV 89710
Cost of Copy:
New Hampshire
Bureau of Vital Records
Health and Welfare Bldg.
6 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301-6527
Telephone requests, using a bank card, can be made for any record by calling 603-271-4650 or 603-271-4652.
Cost of Copy:
$10.00 (additional copies $6.00)
New Jersey
State Dept. of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
CN 370
Trenton, NJ 08625-0370
Requests for records, using a bank card can be made by calling 609-633-2860. There is a $5.00 surcharge for this service.
Cost of Copy:
New Mexico
Vital Records & Statistics
Dept. of Health
1190 St. Francis Dr.
P.O. Box 26110
Santa Fe, NM 87502
Cost of Copy:
New York
New York State Dept. of Health
Bureau of Vital Statistics
Empire State Plaza, Tower Bldg.
Room 244
Albany, NY 12237
Signed consent forms are needed for release of birth certificates. Requests for all records, using a bank card, can be made by calling 212-788-4505 through 212-788-4511 for NYC or 518-474-3038 for NY State. There is a surcharge for this service.
Cost of Copy:
North Carolina
North Carolina Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 29537
Raleigh, NC 25626-0537
REMARKS: Births were first recorded beginning October 1913.
Cost of Copy: $10.00
North Dakota
Division of Vital Records & Statistics
Dept. of Health
State Capitol
600 E. Blvd.
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200
DVR will accept bank cards for birth record requests made by telephone to 701-224-2360. Requests for birth certificates for illegitimate children must be accompanied by consent statement signed by the subject individual (if 18 over) or by the parent or guardian.
Cost of Copy:
Northern Mariana Islands
Superior Court, Vital Statistics
Box 307
Saipan, MP 96950
Birth records are generally available since November 21, 1952. Roman Catholic Church records of births since 1900 are available from individual parishes.
Cost of Copy:
Vital Statistics
Ohio Dept. of Health
P.O. Box 15098
Columbus, OH 43215-0098
If the claimant's year of birth is unknown, the fee is $7.68 for each 10-year period to be searched. No records available prior to 1909.
Cost of Copy:
BVS State Dept. of Health
P.O. Box 53551
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
Cost of Copy:
State Health Division
Vital Records Unit
P.O. Box 14050
Portland, OR 97214
Telephone requests for all records, using a bank card, can be made by calling 503-229-5899. Such requests require an additional charge of $10.00.
Cost of Copy:
Division of Vital Statistics
State Dept. of Health
Box 1528
New Castle, PA 16103
Birth records will be furnished free to veterans, their spouses and dependents if the veterans name, serial number, rank and organization are provided. The veteran or dependent must sign the request and have the certificate sent to his/her mailing address. The DVS will accept telephone requests for birth records, using a bank card, by calling 412-656-3100.
Cost of Copy:
Puerto Rico
Division of Demographic Registry and Vital Statistics
Dept. of Health
San Juan, PR 00908
The Municipal office has records since July 22, 1931. Show claimant's maternal and paternal surnames (e.g., Gonzalez-Gomez) on all requests for birth records.
Cost of Copy:
Rhode Island
Health Dept.
Room 101
3 Capital Hill
Providence, RI 02908-5097
Birth certificates for illegitimate children can be obtained only with the written consent of the person named on the certificate, if an adult; or the written consent of a parent or guardian, if the person named is a minor. Expedited mail requests are processed within one week. Same day service is available to non-residents who call 401-277-2812 and use Visa.
Cost of Copy:
$12.00 ($17.00 for expedited mail requests)
South Carolina
Bureau of Vital Statistics
State Board of Health
2600 Bull
Columbia SC 29201
REMARKS: No search for a birth record will be made if the mother's name is not shown on the request.
Cost of Copy:
$8.00 (additional copies are $3.00 if requested at the same time)
South Dakota
Department of Health
Office of Vital Records
445 E. Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3185
Records were first kept in SD beginning 1905.
Cost of Copy:
$7.00 (or call 605-773-4961 to use Visa/MasterCard; $5.00 service fee)
Division of Vital Statistics
State Dept. of Public Health
C3 Cordell Hull Office Bldg.
Nashville, TN 37246-0350
Only long forms are prepared for birth records before 1950. Expedited service fees which must be paid by charge card are:
expedite $8.40
overnight $18.90 on weekdays $28.90 on weekends
Cost of Copy:
$5.00 (short form), $10.00 (long form), Additional copies of records are $2.00
Bureau of Vital Statistics
State Dept of Health
1100 West 49 St.
Austin, TX 78756-3191
If expedited service is required, the claimant may send the information by FAX to BVS at 512-458-7711 using VISA or MasterCard bank cards only. The cost of this service is $5.00 plus $11.00 for the birth certificate and $5.00 for same or next day response by Airborne overnight mail (total of $21.00), overnight express mail requests are also accepted and processed within 24-48 hours by BVS.
Cost of Copy:
$11.00 (additional copies are $3.00)
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Belau (Palau)
Clerk of Court
Western Caroline Islands 96940
Courts have records beginning November 21, 1952.
Cost of Copy:
Bureau of Vital Records
288 North 1460 West Temple
P.O. Box 16700
Salt Lake City, UT 84116-0700
Telephone requests for birth records, using a bank card, can be made by calling 801-538-6380.
Cost of Copy:
Public Records Division
60 Main St.
P.O. Box 70
Burlington, VT 05402
Public Records Division
133 State St.
Montpelier, VT 05633
Code 024
Birth records are available for the current year and approximately the previous 10 years in Burlington. Records before that time are in Montpelier.
Cost of Copy:
Virgin Islands of the U.S.
Bureau of Health Planning and Statistics
Dept. of Health
Old Hospital (Municipal Hospital)
St. Thomas, VI 00802
The above address is for records from St. Thomas and St. John. Birth and death records for St. Croix may be obtained from:
Registrar of Vital Statistics
Charles Harwood Memorial Hospital
Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820.
Cost of Copy:
Division of Vital Records
State Dept. of Health
James Madison Building
Box 1000
Richmond, VA 23208-1000
Cost of Copy:
Dept. of Health
Vital Records
P.O. Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98504-9709
Birth records are available beginning July 1, 1907. If a birth certificate issued by the State office does not contain the recordation date, assume, absent information to the contrary, that the record was made soon after birth.
Cost of Copy:
West Virginia
Vital Registration Office
Capital Complex
Bldg. 3 Rm 516
Charleston, WV 25305
To expedite the birth request, show the appropriate type of document requested as part of the address line after DHHR, Vital Registration. The DVS will accept telephone requests for all records, using a bank card, by calling 304-558-2931. These is an additional charge of $10 for this service.
Cost of Copy:
Wisconsin State Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Health
Center for Health Statistics
1 W. Wilson St.
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701-0309
All payments should be made payable to "Center for Health Statistics." The request should also include a postage-paid, preaddressed return envelope.
Cost of Copy:
Vital Records Services
Hathaway Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Cost of Copy:
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