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![]() Major Life Themes Chart Interpretation
Steve Martin
August 14, 1945
5:54 AM
Waco, Texas
31 N 32 57 97 W 08 47 Tropical PLACIDUS
War Time observed GMT: 10:54:00
Time Zone: 6 hours West
Planet Positions:
Sun 21 Leo 16 Pluto 10 Leo 13
Moon 4 Sco 12 N. Node 6 Can 52
Mercury 2 Vir 11 Asc. 8 Leo 07
Venus 11 Can 20 MC 0 Tau 59
Mars 14 Gem 47 2nd cusp 1 Vir 24
Jupiter 27 Vir 52 3rd cusp 28 Vir 51
Saturn 19 Can 13 5th cusp 5 Sag 22
Uranus 16 Gem 47 6th cusp 8 Cap 17
Neptune 4 Lib 35
Technical Details of how the planetary patterns are determined:
Each interpretation is based on a 3-planet pattern. The 3
planets are forming a midpoint structure where a planet forms
one of the following aspects to the midpoint of 2 other planets:
conjunct or opposition with 2 degee orb, square with 1 1/2
degree orb, semisquare or sesquiquadrate with a 1 degree orb, or
1/16, 3/16, 5/16, or 7/16 with a 30 minute orb. Also, the 3
planets are aspected to each other in the same harmonic. The
harmonics analyzed are 1 through 64 and any doubling of these
numbers, such as 120 which is a double of 60, up to 180. The
total number of harmonics analyzed is 108. In the harmonic chart
all 3 aspects are within a 12 degree orb. Also, any midpoint
structure involving a conjunction or opposition aspect within a
1 1/2 degree orb, even if a harmonic triangle is not involved,
is interpreted.
Given below is a brief interpretation of your birth chart. The
major themes in your life are described. The themes are
presented approximately in the order in which they are a
priority in your life. In other words, the themes which are most
important are, in general, described near the beginning of the
report, and the less important themes are described towards the
end of the report.
Each astrological influence described in this report is a
resource available to you. It is up to you to express these
energy patterns in the best possible way. It is possible to
repress, block, or try to avoid issues, or to fight yourself;
hopefully this report will help clarify issues in your life, and
encourage you to master your life rather than be a victim of
Moon-Saturn-Neptune 24th Harmonic (24=3x8)
You have a deep sensitivity that others may be very unaware of.
Some form of moral laws or religious principles are important
for you to develop and discover, and without a good ethical and
emotional foundation in your life, you may turn to alcohol or
other forms of escape. You can be very self-sacrificing for a
worthy cause.
Jupiter Conjunct Sun/Moon 0 deg 08 min
You can succeed in an area that requires you to interact with a
lot of other people, because people find you to be very
approachable. You have a friendly, easy-going disposition that
makes others feel welcome and comfortable around you.
Sun Conjunct Mercury/Pluto 0 deg 04 min
When you get interested in a subject, you like to go all the
way, uncovering the depths of the subject. You are a person that
really loves to learn, but your love of learning ironically
sometimes causes you to lose interest in academics!
Memorization, the drudgery of homework, and competing for better
grades are not exciting to you; what is exciting to you is
discovery, and finding out the hidden causes of something. Once
you uncover how something works, you can become a little
fanatical about its importance and lose perspective.
Saturn Conjunct Sun/Uranus 0 deg 12 min
You enjoy restructuring the way things are done. You are a
reformer, perhaps even a rebel. You are frustrated by
organizations that are unwilling to adapt, evolve, and change.
Be sure that you have studied a situation carefully before
attempting to reform it.
Pluto Conjunct Mercury/Saturn 0 deg 30 min
You are very good at detailed work and you can excel as a
specialist in your chosen field of work. You have excellent
mental concentration and you love to discover how things work.
Because you focus so intensely on the object of your study, you
sometimes miss general principles and concepts. You will succeed
in areas that demand the specialized capabilities that you have
to offer.
Pluto Conjunct Mars/Neptune 0 deg 32 min
Performing daily chores bores you, but if something captures
your imagination, you can work fanatically without taking time
to even rest or possibly even to eat. You can be successful in
an area that allows you to apply yourself with the complete
dedication that you are capable of.
Saturn Conjunct Sun/Mars 1 deg 12 min
You are a dedicated and responsible worker. If an area interests
you, then you will put in long hours and do whatever it takes to
achieve the goal. Any great achievement requires the hard work
and sacrifice of people; you are one of those people that makes
this achievement possible, even though you may not receive the
credit you deserve.
Neptune Conjunct Moon/Mercury 1 deg 24 min
You have good imagination and intuition. You have a talent for
understanding, and perhaps also producing, poetry and fictional
literature. You work well with children, and also have a strong
inclination to become involved in music and the arts.
Venus Conjunct Mars/Pluto 1 deg 10 min
You are very passionate. Intense romantic relationships may
engender jealousy and possessiveness in either you or your
partner, and this can lead to difficulty. You are also creative
and able to make very beautiful things.
Sun Conjunct Venus/Jupiter 1 deg 40 min
You do well in areas that require an appreciation and
sensitivity to high quality or elegance. You are good at
assessing the value of things. You are friendly, often generous,
and sometimes wasteful; be careful to not overindulge in the
things you enjoy.
Sun Conjunct Venus/Neptune 1 deg 41 min
Art is very important to you. You succeed in any area that
involves imaginative art and creativity. You are idealistic in
love, and this is likely to bring you disappointments, but your
idealism and vision can eventually succeed in bringing yourself
and others a more beautiful and perfect world.
Mercury Conjunct Jupiter/Pluto 1 deg 51 min
You are interested in many different subjects, you learn
quickly, and you find something of value in almost any subject
area. You are well-suited to academics, although too much
memorization or rote learning bores you very quickly. You can
succeed in an area that involves large communications,
education, politics, marketing, or exciting research.
Mercury-Mars-Jupiter 14th Harmonic (14=7x2)
You have very good mental aptitude for many different subject
areas. You are good at understanding both the general concepts
and principles as well as specific details. You have a
constructive mind that enables you to apply your understanding
in practical ways. You can do well in an academic setting, as
well as in the business and commercial world.
Venus-Mars-Jupiter 14th Harmonic (14=7x2)
You are a creative, warm, and friendly person. You are romantic,
open, and generous. You are thoughtful and generous, and you
enjoy taking time to be with friends or going out to have a good
time. You can be very successful in an area that involves art,
creativity, friendliness, or entertainment. Your constructive,
positive attitude draws good opportunities to you.
Venus-Jupiter-Neptune 160th Harmonic (160=5x32)
Your artistic tastes, preferences in clothing and food, are
rich, exotic, or unusual in some way. You like things that are
foreign and you may even marry someone from another country. You
can be generous without being discriminating, which can result
in wastefulness, and you should be careful when investing or
taking risks to make sure you have thoroughly analyzed the
situation before committing yourself to it.
Mars-Saturn-Pluto 52nd Harmonic (52=13x4)
You are capable of extremely hard work. You can work long hours
at tedious tasks and without complaining. If you set your mind
on a goal, you can focus single-mindedly on the work and leave
no stone unturned. Others may take advantage of your efforts;
try to receive reasonable compensation for your contributions.
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