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![]() The Cosmo Natal Report for
Paul McCartney
June 18, 1942
2:30 AM
Liverpool, England
Calculated for:
Time Zone 0 hours West
Latitude: 53 N 25
Longitude: 2 W 55
Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun position is 26 deg. 09 min. of Gemini
Moon position is 11 deg. 37 min. of Leo
Mercury position is 18 deg. 34 min. of Gemini
Venus position is 18 deg. 26 min. of Taurus
Mars position is 2 deg. 23 min. of Leo
Jupiter position is 1 deg. 43 min. of Cancer
Saturn position is 5 deg. 09 min. of Gemini
Uranus position is 1 deg. 57 min. of Gemini
Neptune position is 27 deg. 07 min. of Virgo
Pluto position is 4 deg. 16 min. of Leo
Asc. position is 0 deg. 33 min. of Aries
Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others
Aries Rising:
You meet life head on and throw yourself into new
experiences with zest and enthusiasm. You are direct,
straightforward, assertive, and usually completely aboveboard in
all your dealings. Candid and incapable of guile, insincerity or
phoniness, you project a confident and sometimes arrogant
appearance to others. You often lack tact and sensitivity, and
can be completely oblivious to others' needs, and inadvertently
selfish. You are self-reliant and don't depend upon social
approval and reinforcement as much as other people do. You like
to be original and do not mind going it alone. You may feel that
you do not fit into groups very well, and that you do not
naturally blend in and cooperate with others very easily. You
like to be either a leader or a loner.
You are a doer and thrive on freedom, challenge, and
activity. You tend to think in clear, black and white terms, and
to be somewhat simplistic in your outlook, which enables you to
act in a very decisive and self-assured manner. When inspired
with an idea, you feel such a sense of urgency and excitement
about it that you will often charge ahead and try to implement
it in a rather bold but poorly planned and crudely executed way.
Patience and careful attention to details are not your forte.
However, you never accept defeat and will have brilliant and
unprecedented successes and discoveries, as well as painful
failures. To you it is far better to make mistakes than it is to
play it safe and never try.
You are scornful of what you see as weakness or passivity in
others and also of the human tendency to imitate and follow. You
are not a follower. Others see you as a strong individual, and
perhaps brash and brazen as well. You present a strong front to
the world and generally do not allow others to see your
vulnerable or insecure side.
Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation
Sun in Gemini:
You are, in many ways, an eternal child. Your mind is
bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always eager for
new experiences - and your attention span is often quite brief.
You grasp ideas quickly and once your initial curiosity has been
satisfied, you want to go on to something else. You crave
frequent change, variety, meeting new situations and people.
It may be hard for you to decide just where your talents and
true vocation lies, for you have a multitude of interests and
are loathe to limit yourself by concentrating on just one. You
are easily distracted by all of the other fascinating
possibilities. Your curiosity and restlessness propel you into
many different experiences in life, and you are willing to taste
or try anything once. Doing the same thing over and over again,
even it is something you do well, is real drudgery for you.
You live in your head a great deal - reading, observing,
thinking, spinning ideas around - and you need mental
stimulation every bit as much as you need food and drink. In
fact, if you had to choose between a good book or movie and a
good lunch, you would very likely choose the former. You have a
creative mind and often live by your wits.
You are also a very social creature, with a strong need to
communicate and to interact with people. You enjoy using and
playing with words and have a real flair for getting your ideas
across in a clever, interesting, articulate manner. Writing or
speaking are areas you have talent for.
You also have a rather light and mischievous sense of humor,
and often do not take anything too seriously. Though you crave
emotional involvement, it is hard for you to achieve it, for you
are frequently unwilling to commit yourself to anything, to take
responsibility, or to limit your personal freedom and mobility.
Your happiness lies in using your creativity and your
language skills to communicate something meaningful, to teach,
inspire, or bring people together. You have an unbiased mind and
can usually offer a fresh, clear, uncluttered perspective. Your
faults are your lack of constancy and persistence, and your
tendency to overlook or ignore deep emotional issues and other
people's feelings.
Sun Conjunct Jupiter:
You are blessed with abundant optimism, self-confidence, and
cheerful generosity. Your good will and friendliness win you
many allies. You also have grand visions and aspirations, and
the desire to succeed in life in a big way. You expect the best,
and usually get it.
Sun Square Neptune:
You are extremely sensitive and imaginative, and you can get
lost in your dreams, fantasies, and visions. You are attracted
to artistic and creative pursuits, the world of color, beauty,
and emotion. You are also drawn to mysticism and have deep
spiritual aspirations and yearnings. Gentle and peace-loving,
you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your
way in the world. You are often impractical and may seek to
avoid or escape the hard realities of life.
Chapter 3: Mental Interests and Abilities
Mercury in Gemini:
You have an extremely active, lively and versatile mind with
a multitude of interests and an inexhaustible curiosity about
life. You are quick to grasp new concepts and equally quick to
lose interest in an idea or project once your curiosity has been
satisfied. You like to taste a little bit of everything
-concentration and disciplined study are not your strong points.
Mentally restless, you may change jobs or locations frequently,
or do work that involves movement, travel, and variety.
You have a flair for language, playing with words, speaking,
writing, or teaching in an entertaining and informative way. You
also enjoy meeting new people, conversing and learning a little
bit about them, and you work well with the public.
Sales, advertising, communications, journalism, or public
relations are good areas for you. Your ability to be articulate
and to communicate well is one of your greatest strengths.
Chapter 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance
Moon in Leo:
Warm, loving, and generous in your affections, you inspire
tremendous devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. This is
good, since you would never settle for anything less! You want
to be adored and worshipped like the king or queen that you feel
you are, and it is difficult for anyone to resist the warmth and
attention you lavish on those you care about. You have a great
deal of pride and need to be recognized and appreciated. The way
to really hurt your feelings is to ignore you. You are genuine,
sincere, and have a strong sense of personal integrity. You hate
emotional games and dishonesty.
Venus in Taurus:
In love, you are steadfast and loyal, especially if you have
a warm, demonstrative partner. You are very sensually oriented
and need lots of touching and physical affection. You enjoy
being pampered with a good meal, loving massage, or other
sensual delights. You are a wonderful lover, very attentive to
the comfort and enjoyment of the one you love. You are
tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and
the physical attractiveness of your partner is very important to
Chapter 5: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals
Mars in Leo:
You are proud and ambitious, and you strive to excel, to
stand out and be recognized for who and what you are. You have a
very strong ego drive and like to be Number One. You find it
difficult to take orders from others or to stay in the
background, and you hate being wrong; you always insist that you
are right!
You are forceful, strong, energetic, determined, and highly
competitive. You play hard, you play to win, and you do not give
up easily. In fact, you see life as a competitive sport or
performance. You love admiration and applause, and you have a
strong sense of personal honor and integrity. You tend to be
very self-confident, even arrogant. Because of your belief in
yourself, you are able to accomplish much, but if your
confidence is ever undermined, you become self-conscious,
defensive, and rather belligerent.
Mars Conjunct Pluto:
When you want something, you go after it with passionate
zeal and are sometimes so driven by your desire that you lose
all objectivity. You get so deeply involved in whatever you are
pursuing that you become one-sided, even fanatical.
Strong-willed and stubborn, you insist on having your way no
matter the cost. You are fascinated with power. You often try to
overpower anything or anyone you perceive as an obstacle, if not
physically then by the force of your will. You can be ruthless
and impersonal when it comes to achieving your ambitions and
goals in life. You have enormous energy and are capable of
extraordinary effort and great achievement. You can also become
a compulsive workaholic.
Mars Sextile Saturn:
You possess the gifts of endurance and perseverance, the
willingness to work hard and seriously to achieve your
objectives. Once you decide you want something or make a
commitment, you'll do it "even if it takes forever".
Self-discipline is natural to you and you instinctively realize
that any creative achievement is "10% inspiration, 90%
perspiration". You choose practical, realistic goals and pursue
them step-by-step in a well-planned, orderly way. You like to
concentrate on one thing at a time and do a thorough job. You
enjoy working in solitude, and often feel your best work is done
when you are alone.
Mars Sextile Uranus:
You are dynamic, decisive, and somewhat impulsive. You
respond quickly and spontaneously to challenges, and you enjoy
vigorous physical activities that require fast reflexes and a
good sense of rhythm and timing. You have an abundance of energy
and vitality, and a restless desire to see progress and change
-you hate stagnation. You are individualistic and make a good
leader, spearheading new projects and inspiring others to act.
Chapter 6: Other Influences
Jupiter in Cancer:
You make others feel accepted and comfortable. You have a
knack for breaking down feelings of alienation and you make
others feel included and a part of group activities. You have a
loving, protective side that wants to take care of everyone.
Creating a supportive atmosphere that is nourishing both to
yourself and to others is one of your strengths.
Also, your home and heritage are important to you, and you
maintain close connections to your past.
Jupiter Square Neptune:
You have a need to escape from the demands of everyday life,
and reach out to something bigger, more exotic, more exciting.
Traveling is good for you. You may also daydream, fantasize, or
philosophize a great deal.
Saturn in Gemini:
You doubt your own intelligence and mental capacities, and
you may work very hard at studies in order to compensate for
this. You are often overly serious and disinterested in light or
superficial conversation. Spontaneous communication, social
give-and-take, and making small talk are likely to be difficult
for you.
Saturn Conjunct Uranus:
You are serious and sincere about your interests, you do not
accept superficial answers, and you are not easily placated. You
want to bring your inspirations into concrete reality, and you
don't mind upsetting some apple carts if necessary. You become
impatient with others for being hesitant to implement new ideas
and take action, and your occasional outbreaks of brusque,
insensitive behavior often do more harm than good.
Saturn Sextile Pluto:
You are capable of overcoming tremendous odds, and of
enormous self-discipline and focus. When you set your sights on
achieving something or are presented with a thorny challenge, it
is your capacity for eliminating the superfluous, getting along
with very little, and riding through tough times that enables
you to triumph eventually.
Uranus in Gemini:
You are part of a 7 year group of people who are progressive
and creative thinkers. Academic achievement is high and academic
standards are higher with your age group than with others. You
are a curious and inquisitive bunch, and many discoveries and
clever insights are brought forth from your age group. The love
of learning never dies with your age group, and your curiosity
and inquisitiveness does not wane in later life, as is common
with others.
Uranus Trine Neptune:
You were also born during a period that lasted approximately
5 years and is characterized by an unusually high degree of
imagination, intuition, and sensitivity. You are part of a group
of people who are very inspired. Your age group is rather
zealous and enthusiastically rallies behind new visions and
ideals for society. You succeed in bringing a breath of fresh
air into the arts and religions, and you inspire new ideals and
goals for nations as well. You are part of a creative group that
can do much to inspire a fresh vision and renewed hope for
Uranus Sextile Pluto:
You belong to a group of people who will be the positive
reformers and innovators in society. Peaceful methods and new
techniques which do not create too much disruption, but which
bring about fundamental and profound changes in society, will be
your contribution.
Neptune in Virgo:
You are part of a 14 year group of people who are
conservative and moderate in spiritual aspirations. Your age
group tends to avoid speculation on metaphysical matters, and
interest in psychic phenomena is considered very strange and
weird by your age group. There is also a strong sense of right
and wrong, and religious practices tend to emphasize ethics and
moral judgment. The conservative, straight-laced atmosphere
generated by your age group is frustrating to more imaginative
types, who consequently rebelled against it.
Pluto in Leo:
You are part of a 20 year period that is often referred to
as the "ME" generation, a generation that has a very proud and
self-reliant attitude. You are a generation that is very
concerned with self-development and personal integrity. Women's
rights and minority rights are issues that your generation has
fostered and they reflect your concern with individual respect,
integrity, and honor. Your age group has a deeply felt sense
that each person has an equal right and opportunity to fully
develop his or her inner potential.
However, your group also finds it difficult to be part of a
team and a strong egotism makes group efforts difficult; you
tend to see the individual as more important than the group. You
also defy authority and often feel that no one has the right to
tell you what to do. The strong movement to refuse drafting into
the military is one example of your age group's strong sense of
individual rights and freedom.
Your age group has popularized the idea of self-development,
and has contributed a great deal to the development of
individual potential as well as human rights. However, there is
also a tendency to be rather self-centered; others may wonder
how you can spend so much time developing yourselves and have so
little time to contribute to your families!
The interest in personal development also sometimes
manifests as a fascination with particular individuals and a
great deal of hero worship. Every generation, of course, has
lots of idols, but your generation is particularly prone to
needing a specific individual to represent and embody an idea or
feeling, and to serve as a focal point of interest. Perhaps the
most extreme example of this is the concept of the guru that was
popularized by your age group.
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