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April 16, 1947
6:30 PM
New York, NY
October 22, 2001 - November 22, 2001
Tropical/Placidus NATAL CHART
Calculated for time zone 0 hours
Natal positions:
Sun=26AR08 Moon= 4PI03 Merc= 1AR07 Ven=20PI15 Mars= 3AR54
Jup=25SC53 Sat= 2LE06 Ura=18GE51 Nep= 8LI59 Plu=11LE00
Asc=25LI21 MC=29CN52
Natal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Asc MC
Transiting: Sun Merc Ven Mars
Conj ( 0 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Oppos (180 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min
Sqr ( 90 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Trine (120 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min
Sxtil ( 60 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min
Oct 20, 2001 (Oct 19, 2001 to Oct 22, 2001) Mars Sqr Asc
Irritations, conflicts with the people you relate to on a
daily basis, and a generalized feeling of impatience or edginess
characterize this period. Because you are not feeling very
obliging or compromising, this is not a good time to try to come
to an agreement with another. However, you need to get your
grievances out in the open; otherwise the tension builds up to
an unmanageable level.
Oct 21, 2001 (Oct 20, 2001 to Oct 23, 2001) Mars Sxtil Jup
Doors open and new opportunities for personal and
professional growth present themselves. Any initiative or action
you feel inclined to take at this time is likely to lead to a
positive outcome for you. Partnerships or joining with others
for mutual benefit is favored. Your energy level is high; this
is a good time for athletics, especially team sports.
Oct 22, 2001 (Oct 20, 2001 to Oct 23, 2001) Mars Sqr Sun
You are inclined to be aggressive and hot-tempered now,
particularly when your will is blocked. Your pushiness or
competitive attitude is likely to create antagonism, hostility,
and further resistance to your efforts. It is best to work alone
rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with
anyone at this time. Also, you are impatient and tend to behave
in an impulsive, irritable way which makes you more prone to
accidents during this period.
Oct 22, 2001 (Oct 21, 2001 to Oct 23, 2001) Ven Conj Nep
Your romantic imagination is strong now. Dreams of an
idealized "true love" or feelings of compassion and oneness with
others emerge strongly at this time.
Your perception of people gets rather hazy; you tend to see
them through rose-colored glasses. It is best not to make firm
commitments at this time.
If you have creative or artistic inclinations, your work
will blossom. You can come up with some really lovely, inspiring
Oct 23, 2001 (Oct 22, 2001 to Oct 24, 2001) Sun Sqr MC
You are at cross purposes with the people in your
environment who are most able to benefit you. You tend to come
on too strong, to be oblivious to others' needs and intentions,
or to act inappropriately now. You feel an urgency to take
positive steps to achieve your goals, but be certain that you
are not overstepping yourself, as this can cause considerable
enmity at this time.
Oct 24, 2001 (Oct 23, 2001 to Oct 25, 2001) Ven Sxtil Plu
Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to
life in general are deeper and more intense. The need to share,
to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very
strong. You have an opportunity now to see what keeps you from
being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or
hidden resentment - and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out
in the open or simply releasing it.
Oct 25, 2001 (Oct 24, 2001 to Oct 26, 2001) Sun Sqr Sat
This is a time of considerable frustration and your desires
or efforts appear to be thwarted or at least delayed.
Relationships with men and people in authority may be
particularly uncomfortable. Also, you have more self-doubt than
usual; your mood is somber and rather self-critical. This is a
good time to take stock of your life, to see how you are
limiting and holding yourself back, and to determine your next
steps. But do not attempt to press forward now, and don't take
whatever setbacks you experience too much too heart.
Oct 27, 2001 (Oct 26, 2001 to Oct 28, 2001) Sun Trine Moon
At this time you enjoy emotional satisfaction and harmony in
your home life. Relationships with women run smoothly. If you
have a solid emotional base in your life, you will receive the
benefits of that. If not, this is a good time to begin making
connections with people and also to discover what gives real
emotional nourishment and fulfillment.
Oct 27, 2001 (Oct 26, 2001 to Oct 28, 2001) Mars Oppos MC
This is a low point, as far as getting ahead or achieving
anything in the world is concerned. For now, your energy needs
to go into your personal life, home, and family matters. Stress
which has been building up both at work and in your family
relationships needs to be released now. Try to work out or find
ways to express yourself physically, like working in the yard or
playing sports; otherwise you are prone to become pugnacious
with the people you are closest to.
Oct 29, 2001 (Oct 27, 2001 to Oct 30, 2001) Mars Sxtil Merc
You have a lot of mental energy and are eager to "attack"
intellectual or conceptual problems. You are likely to come up
with a clever solution or a very workable plan, especially if
you brainstorm with others. You also tend to make up your mind
very quickly and decisively now, and to translate your ideas
into action.
Oct 30, 2001 (Oct 29, 2001 to Oct 31, 2001) Ven Trine Ura
Unexpected pleasures, new friends, or a more playful,
adventurous attitude in your relationships make this time period
stimulating and delightful. You want a break from your usual
routine, and because you are willing to experiment and to be
spontaneous, you are likely to experience a refreshing change of
pace. A new romance or a revitalization of a current one is very
Oct 30, 2001 (Oct 29, 2001 to Oct 31, 2001) Merc Trine Ura
You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up
with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to
the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are
speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a
lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this
Oct 30, 2001 (Oct 29, 2001 to Nov 1, 2001) Mars Oppos Sat
A sense of failure, self-doubt, or inability to effectively
compete and assert your own will may typify this time period.
Stifled anger and resentment over the frustrations and obstacles
you confront now may further complicate matters. This is not a
good time to begin a new venture, ask for a promotion, or try to
expand your activities in any way. Patience and perseverance are
required of you now. Be willing to wait. Your problems and
inadequacies seem more real and insurmountable than they
actually are, so try not to become too discouraged.
Nov 2, 2001 (Oct 31, 2001 to Nov 3, 2001) Mars Sxtil Mars
You are capable of forceful, decisive action, and you have
the will to carry through on your intentions at this time.
Physically, you feel good and your energy is flowing smoothly.
Also, your interactions with others are feisty and spirited. you
inspire others to take action and group efforts or joint
projects are favored.
Nov 3, 2001 (Nov 2, 2001 to Nov 4, 2001) Sun Sqr Plu
Underlying or previously hidden aspects of a situation come
to light now.
The misuse of personal power, dominating or manipulating
others, and the subtle ways you try to control situations or
other people are issues. The tyrant in you comes out, or you
find yourself dealing with the more difficult, dark, tyrannical
side in other people.
Also, this can be a time when you are forced to confront and
deal with something which is no longer working - from old,
outworn possessions to an unhealthy relationship or a deeply
ingrained, self-defeating attitude.
Nov 4, 2001 (Nov 3, 2001 to Nov 5, 2001) Merc Conj Asc
Sales, teaching, public speaking, negotiating, or any
endeavor that involves giving information to others is favored
now. You are clear, articulate, and communicative at this time.
Nov 4, 2001 (Nov 4, 2001 to Nov 5, 2001) Ven Conj Asc
At this time you come across in an appealing, charming,
openly affectionate manner which is likely to win you new
friends and admirers. You make an excellent first impression
now. This is a very favorable time for doing something to
enhance your appearance, such as getting a hair cut or
purchasing new clothing.
Nov 5, 2001 (Nov 4, 2001 to Nov 6, 2001) Merc Oppos Sun
A short trip, or at least a lot of activity and movement, is
very likely now. A significant conversation, learning from
another person, and getting your own ideas and perceptions
across to others is also likely. You may hear from someone who
has important information for you, or feel a pressing need to
write or call someone else in order to bring some matter in the
open. Communications of all kinds play an important role in your
life now.
Nov 5, 2001 (Nov 4, 2001 to Nov 6, 2001) Ven Oppos Sun
You feel quite loving and warm, with a desire to give and
receive affection and appreciation. Also, your desire for beauty
stimulates your creativity. If you are artistic, your work will
be particularly inspired now. Indulging in your desire for
beauty or luxury is likely at this time.
Nov 7, 2001 (Nov 7, 2001 to Nov 8, 2001) Merc Sqr MC
This is a time for you to speak out about your thoughts or
concerns regarding your work or professional matters.
Communication with your superiors or with people in authority
who are in a position to consider and act on your ideas comes to
the fore now.
Nov 8, 2001 (Nov 7, 2001 to Nov 9, 2001) Ven Sqr MC
The desire to socialize, to be friendly, or loved may
interfere with getting work done or acting in a professional
manner. Scheduling time for recreation or to attend to a
relationship is a good idea now.
Nov 9, 2001 (Nov 8, 2001 to Nov 10, 2001) Merc Sqr Sat
Your thinking is rather gloomy and pessimistic at this time.
You see the superficiality, the flaws, and the foolishness or
impracticality in others' plans. Also, communicating with others
is difficult now, and people resist what you are saying. You
feel more inhibited and uncommunicative, and you sense that
others are not receptive. Frustrating conversations and the
feeling that you are coming across negatively are possible now,
so you are inclined simply to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Nov 9, 2001 (Nov 8, 2001 to Nov 11, 2001) Mars Trine Nep
You do not feel very sharp, competitive, or aggressive at
this time. Feelings of relaxation, receptivity, passivity, or
aimlessness are likely and you tend to avoid stressful
confrontations or situations that demand too much of you. Goals
and desires that normally seem so important - especially ones in
which you are pushing your own interests - do not matter quite
as much now. Your imagination is stimulated, and you need
activities and entertainments that are colorful, out the
ordinary, and definitely not mundane.
Nov 10, 2001 (Nov 9, 2001 to Nov 11, 2001) Ven Sqr Sat
Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now,
for even when you are with others you are likely to feel
separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal
life are also probable now. Inadequacies and flaws in your
friends or lovers are particularly bothersome to you now, and
you may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for
dealing with these problems. It is a time to be quiet and to
look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not
a pleasurable time, this can be a fruitful period in which to
learn more about love and what you truly value.
Nov 10, 2001 (Nov 9, 2001 to Nov 11, 2001) Merc Trine Moon
It is easy for you to talk about your feelings now, and also
to listen sensitively to not only what others are saying but
also what they are feeling. This is an excellent time to discuss
your feelings and clear the air on any grievances you may be
holding on to from the past. Your communication with women is
especially good at this time.
Nov 11, 2001 (Nov 10, 2001 to Nov 12, 2001) Ven Trine Moon
You are in a mood to relax and enjoy harmonious
surroundings. Your family and friends are a source of particular
pleasure and satisfaction, and you may wish to treat them or
pamper them in some way. Appreciation for your home and a desire
to make it more beautiful or comfortable is strong now also.
Nov 12, 2001 (Nov 11, 2001 to Nov 13, 2001) Mars Oppos Plu
Your personal ambitions and drive to assert yourself and
make an impact on the world, meet with considerable opposition
now. Other people or external forces over which you have no
control seem to subtly undermine your efforts - or try to
overpower you altogether. You need to stand up for yourself,
perhaps in a David-and-Goliath type of situation. If you have
been unscrupulous or overly egotistical and selfish in your
pursuits, you are likely to get your comeuppance now.
Nov 12, 2001 (Nov 11, 2001 to Nov 13, 2001) Sun Trine Ven
Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come
into your life now. You are moved to express your affections
more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with
beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts
Nov 14, 2001 (Nov 14, 2001 to Nov 15, 2001) Merc Sqr Plu
It is impossible for you to be content with superficial
answers now, and you are impatient with people who avoid looking
candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any
problem or situation. You tend to force your views on other
people now. Also, you can become obsessed with an idea or
problem until you have figured it out.
Nov 17, 2001 (Nov 16, 2001 to Nov 18, 2001) Ven Sqr Plu
Hidden passions, fears, jealousies, longings, desires, or
needs surface in you now and can stir up trouble in your closest
relationships. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a
close relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things
to a head in some emotionally-laden situation. Positively, a
relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by
your willingness to reveal yourself completely to your loved
Nov 18, 2001 (Nov 17, 2001 to Nov 19, 2001) Sun Conj Jup
You feel expansive, enthusiastic, and optimistic now. You
want to reach out, do more and experience more. You benefit
greatly from the opportunities that present themselves at this
time, and a person who will be very influential and helpful to
you may come into your life.
Nov 20, 2001 (Nov 20, 2001 to Nov 21, 2001) Merc Trine Ven
You are very congenial and cooperative now and more
interested in the similarities than in the differences between
yourself and others. This is a very good time to let people know
you care about them: send a card, write a note of appreciation
or even a love letter! You may also want to buy something
beautiful, pleasing, and frivolous which simply makes you feel
Nov 22, 2001 (Nov 21, 2001 to Nov 23, 2001) Sun Trine MC
Your career, reputation, public standing, or important
personal goals gain momentum now. Your superiors or those in a
position to support or further your aims are positively disposed
toward you at this time. An important victory or success can be
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